CAT Pump Spare Parts

CAT spare parts for all models

Key Specifications
Availability 2-3 days after ordering
CAT pump supplier Highly competitive price
Range All CAT spares for piston & plunger pumps
Enquire now about this product

As a supplier of CAT high pressure pumps for over 10 years, Castle Pumps offer a full range of CAT pump parts for all CAT pump models, including seals, ISO 68 hydraulic oil and valves. We offer CAT plunger and piston pumps spares at a highly competitive price and in a short lead time. CAT spares are available within 2-3 days after ordering, thanks to our direct relationship with the manufacturer, to ensure that the pump can keep running smoothly without any costly downtime. Thanks to our extensive product knowledge, we have shortlisted the main CAT spare parts needed for routine maintenance.

  • ISO 68 hydraulic oil  (first oil change after 50 hours and then every 500 hours after that)
  • Seals (maintenance typically between 1,500 and 8,000 hours)
  • Valves (maintenance typically between 3,000 and 16,000 hours)
  • Plungers & pistons
  • Crankcases
  • Gaskets & O-rings
  • Shafts
  • Bearings
  • Barrier slingers
  • Manifolds
  • Rods

To supply you with the correct CAT spares that you require, we will need you to provide us with the model number that you will find on the pump label like one of the below. From this, we can identify the exact model you have and supply the CAT pump parts promptly.

Identifying your CAT pump model number:

If you need more information on maintaining your CAT pump, click here to read our helpful guide and learn how to increase your pump service life.

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