Serial Numbers – The Fingerprints of the Pump World
"Have you got the serial number of your pump?" is the automated response you will get from many pump companies when looking to replace an existing pump, or sourcing spares. We request this information to ensure we are quoting you for exactly what you require.
With unlimited applications and performance requirements, it is no surprise that every pump is different. From the outside two pumps may look almost identical, when in fact the internals are completely different. The serial number is the “fingerprint” of a pump – it defines the size of the motor, the diameter of the impellers and the materials of which it is constructed.
You may have found in the past that some manufacturers refuse to even quote without the serial number, with others adding disclaimers to their quotations to accept no liability if parts selected are not compatible.
To make it as simple as possible for you when sourcing a replacement or spare parts, we have put together a guide on where you will find the model and serial number of some of our most specified brands.

For Azcue pumps, whom we are the UK agent for, the information we require can be found on the pump's name plate, which is usually screwed into the top of the pump body.
- Pump type e.g. BT-HM 38D4
- Serial numbers - usually a 6 digit number that starts with a 1, 2, 3 or 4 e.g. 457636
With Liverani flexible impeller pumps there is a label, which gives us all the main information of the pump. The serial number is the complete first line of the data plate, referred to as either Commessa or Serial.
With the importance of the serial number stressed, I can hear echoes of concern from pump owners who have found that the information on the plate has worn away or that the plate was removed. When this is the case, we can still help source a replacement or parts if we are able to identify the full application details including fluid, power, pressure and flow rate.

Looking to replace or maintain your pump?
If you’re looking to maintain or replace your pump like for like, send us the serial number and model, or email us a picture of the name plate for us to identify.